Colours: How to Choose the Right Ones for Your Home

Knowing where to start when it comes to choosing colours for your home can seem overwhelming! I mean how many whites could their possibly be right?!

Choosing the right colour palette for your room can drastically change your mood and how you feel about being in that space. So its definitely something you want to get right the first time.

Have you ever wondered how Interior Designers go about helping you select a colour palette? Well…I’m about to share some Designer tips with you.

To narrow down your choices first take a look in your wardrobe, it might sound crazy but I promise there is a method to my madness! Start by looking at the colours that you wear everyday. Now when I say colours yes this does includes neutrals. Most people will find they have three main colours in their wardrobe. This will give you a good indication of the colours you gravitate towards and the colours you would be happy to have in your home.

Another way to narrow down your colour palette is to seek inspiration from places like Pinterest, Instagram, magazines or anywhere you find inspiration. Collect at minimum of 10- 20 images that you like and create a pin board. Once you have all your images you can start to look through them one by one. Grab a piece of paper and start writing down what it is exactly you like from each image. It might be that you like the materials/colours that have been used or the feeling the created in an image. By the time you get through all of your images your will have a list of things you like and this will be the basis of where you will start to create your colour palette and style.

So what are you waiting for! Give it a try I promise you will thank me later.


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